Last week went to Robert's Field which is two fields of pristine limestone grassland. These fields are managed by Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and is home to lots of butterflies.
Butterfly Count_ 19th July Robert's Field

Small Skipper 5
Essex Skipper 1
Brimstone 1
Large White 4
Small White 1
Brown Argus 1
Common Blue 2
Small Tortoiseshell 1
Peacock 3
Dark Green Fritillary 6
Marbled White 8
Gatekeeper 4 Above: Marbled White on Greater
Meadow Brown 4 Knapweed
Ringlet 6

Above: Dark Green Fritillary

Above: Peacock on Field Scabious

Above: Small Skipper
Here is my list of butterflies from my count which I counted 14 species. This is in fact a quarter of the UK's species in just one acre field, which is amazing and shows what can be done if we get it right.

Above: Six-spot Burnet
As well as butterflies I also counted the following moths
Shaded Broad-bar 2
Silver Y 1
Mint moth 2
Six-spot Burnet 30+
Grass Veneer 3
Great numbers for the Six-spot Burnet moth as they were everywhere I looked.

Other interesting finds were (Top) Flower Crab Spider (Middle) Satyr Pug Caterpillar (bottom) Meadow Grasshopper.