Back in February 2019 I went to the Peak District where I manged to see a mountain hare in his white coat which which was an amazing sight to see. This February I started to paint a painting of the hare showing it's moorland and mountainous home. The video and pictures below show the stages of progress through the painting development, from a drawing to finished painting.

Stage 1
drawing out the subject.

Stage 2
paint in the background colour.

Stage 3
Start to fill in some basic detail.

Stage 4
Continue filling in the detail on the background.
Stage 5
Continue filling in detail in foreground grass, putting tinted red straw over the top.
Stage 6
Start adding more detail to the hare, paint on his whiskers.

Stage 7
Painted detail in his eye, unfortunately due to the foggy weather conditions my reference photo didn't have a catch light in his eye, which in my view is important. So found a matching eye from a nature book and put one in. Also in this stage added some more fur detail to the hare on his face and body.

Stage 8
Painted my purple mountain in the background more mauve and painted more detail and reshaped my background hill.
Also put more detail on the front patch of grass/red moss.

Stage 9
Finished painting with frame which I am going to restore as soon as the coronavirus as finished and I can get the materials - there will be another post when frame is complete.